Testing for Pharmacogenetics Provides Better Information About Drug Interactions
Every body has its own unique genetic makeup. This why there are some pharmaceutical drugs that will work well for some people, but not for others. Until recently, most doctors prescribed medications on a trial and error basis. If the prescribed dose did not provide the necessary results, it would be either lowered or raised accordingly. The new research into the human DNA has provided more answers about the way pharmaceutical drugs work within the body. This is sometimes referred to as pharmacogenetics. It is a process where a person's DNA is tested to find out how their body interacts with specific types of drugs.
A Better Solution
The ability to pinpoint the way a drug will interact with a body significantly reduces the amount of risk involved in taking prescription drugs. Not only does DNA testing make it easier on the patient, but also on the doctor prescribing the medications. By using this method, physicians can make better choices about the medicines and doses they provide for their patients. Not only can a DNA test provide information about the components contained in various prescription drugs, but it can also provide information about the drugs people use every day, such as caffeine.
Testing for the combined elements of genetics and pharmacology used for the field of pharmacogenetics, is available through an online agency such as GenetiConcept. Any individual or health care professional can enlist the aid of this type of agency for the purpose of DNA testing. The test is designed to provide information about the interactions specific to the DNA makeup of the person in question. This test is conducted through the use of a DNA sample, which comes from the person's saliva. A full report of the findings will be made available when the testing has been completed.